Growing up and living life as a baby boomer is and has been an exciting and fun roller coaster life.
Friday, May 21, 2021
Wednesday, May 12, 2021
Something I Really Should Have Known
Wonder what the odds would have been for me picking up the newspaper that particular evening and actually looking through it and seeing the ad for Barney's seminar? It had been three and a half years since I had heard from him. Even that letter took a year to arrive and by that time his contact information had changed.
Needless to say our relationship was perhaps a little different. It was probably a good thing that we had not communicated in three and a half years as it gave me the time and the space to divorce Dennis and start a new life for myself and the boys. Things I needed to do by myself without a third party involved.
All of Barney's contact information was in the story about the seminar. He was still in California but in a different town than the last one I knew about. It would have been very easy to pick up the phone and call him but maybe a heck of a lot more fun to surprise him. Hopefully it would be a happy surprise if I showed up at the Seminar. I had three weeks to decide which seemed like an eternity.
Perhaps I need to digress a bit here. Things had become interesting between Charles and I over the course of the last several months. My fault for not paying attention or for not admitting that there was a lot I had failed to see before I jumped into a relationship without knowing at least some background. I knew some basic facts about Charles like how he grew up poor, his business, his children and his ex-wife. I knew the only vacation he had ever taken out of the country was to Columbia which I thought was strange. I also knew that he smoked marijuana but figured that was just a habit left over from the 70's. I had actually never tried marijuana, Afterall I grew up in Muskogee. I did once with Charles, got sick, did not like it and never tried it again. He never smoked it in front of me or the boys.
Charles always had plenty of money. I surmised that his toupee shop must have done very well as he and his business partner lived very well. We had a lot of $100.00 dinners at the best restaurants in Detroit, took weeklong ski trips in Northern Michigan and lots of flights back and forth to New York. He was very nice towards both Wes and Wally. Roller skating together a couple of nights a week and meals at home with the four of us plus Wes's assorted girl friends were always fun.
We had been dating about a year when Charles bought the house behind Wally and mine and it just seemed logical that we should move in with him. It was the late 1980's and everyone was living together. I guess I was stuck in the 1960's as I really did not feel comfortable living together and not married. There were times when I would hear Wally stumble in trying to explain to his friends who Charles was. Usually he mumbled something like "my Mom's friend". I did not feel like The Mother of the Year in those moments.
There is really nothing I can complain about in the way Charles treated the boys or me. He decided that Wally needed a bigger bedroom and I needed a sewing room so we were building those in his huge basement. He bought $9.00 a pound cheese for Bowser, our dog, which made the dog adore him. He was a very sharp dresser, extremely neat around the house and a pretty decent cook although nice restaurants were his thing. To make myself feel a little better I actually paid half of his house payment without being asked. But as hard as I tried there were several bothersome items. His daughters were not overly happy with me being with Charles even though they were grown and lived else where. The house did not feel like home as it was his and decorated in his minimalist style. But there were other things.
There was the Corvette. Charles decided to buy a red Corvette but to pay for it he made three $9,000 payments - in cash. He explained to me that if you paid cash for something over $10,000 it was reported to the IRS. I let it go at that as I had never seen him use a checkbook except at the shop. But slowly I began to think about the amount of money he and his business partner seemed to have and things were not adding up in a reasonable manner. The question of where the money came from nagged at me. I could not see how his toupee shop made the kind of money I was seeing. Why was the only real vacation he ever took without the family was to Columbia. Drug dealer was the only thing I could come up with. I didn't think drug dealers liked art museums, snow skiing or any other things we did. Guess I watched too many movies or television shows where they were really bad looking dudes or I was just my usual naive, stupid self.
It is much easier to get into a bad situation than out of the relationship. Being the most non-confrontal person on the planet there was no way I could just ask him or acuse him. I guess it is always easier to get myself into a mess than to get out of one. It was also easy to do the Scarlett O'Hara bit and put off thinking about troubling things until tomorrow. I think through the years I had become a master at that. But I did have a good business even though I never charged enough, a couple of very great friends, an awesome dog and a two pretty cool boys. Life is never all bad. There are always bright sides to everything. Until now there were only a couple of people who ever heard this story. It was not one of my proudest moments and showed how easily I could fall into really stupid situations.
When I read that Barney was coming to Detroit I could stop worrying about what to do about Charles and enjoy the time I would be able to spend with him. There was no doubt in my mind that he booked the seminar in Detroit in hopes of us finding each other just as we had several times over the last twenty-three years.
She's Back
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