Wednesday, May 17, 2017

First Date

A picture can bring back so many memories. Why do I have the look of sheer terror on my face? What was in my mind thinking that was my favorite outfit?  Just who sends flowers telling you what time he will pick you up when he didn't even ask you if you wanted to go out?

Back in 1965 it was rare to get flowers unless it was your birthday or some special occasion like a prom.  Living in a dorm at Stephens College it caused a real commotion since they were left at the front desk and inquiring minds wanted to know just what the occasion was. It created a lot of questions and suggestions when I confessed they were from a boy I hardly knew with a card the said "Had to go home for the weekend.  I'll pick you up at 3:00 on Sunday".

What was initially excitement to think that this nice, great looking guy actually wanted to go on a date with me turned into panic when everyone started asking questions.  Did he go to the University of Missouri?  How old was he? How did you meet him?  Where are you going on this date? It was pretty terrible as I could only tell them I had talked to him at a club, couldn't remember much of the conversation and could not even remember if I gave him my phone number.  That only made matters worse. Thank heavens those were the days of girls happily hitchhiking so at least no one was worried about a serial rapist.

Needless to say I had times of being excited and then times of really questioning keeping the date between Saturday afternoon when the flowers arrived and Sunday at 3:00.  What am I going to say to him when I was pretty speechless the night we met?  Just what does a person wear on a date when you do not know where you are going or what you are going to do? I am quite sure I checked every one's closet to find the perfect outfit for whatever.  Of course studying was out of the question as well as eating and sleeping. Then there was the thought that he just might not show up.

The picture was taken just before the appointed time for the date and I guess I should explain the outfit.  Sort of has the look of a refugee from a private school.  Oh.....I was at a private school only we did not have uniforms.  Have to admit that I had - still have - a fascination with sailor collars.  If I was going to really go through with this date I needed to wear something I felt comfortable in whether it looked totally ridiculous or not. Also Stephens girls were not allowed to wear slacks unless you were going to physical education class or out to Stephens Lake. So the picture was taken when I was ready to go or still trying to decide if I would just let the front desk tell him I was not home.

The hall phone rang at 2:50, Cathie answered it and I was paralyzed when she announced he was downstairs.  Somehow I made it down the steps without running or falling.  There he was, all six-foot four of him happily chatting with the Dorm Mother. No doubt she had gotten wind of the flowers thing and was checking him out. When he said hello and smiled at me my a portion of my sanity returned.  The only little hurdle left was to sign out with a name and where we were going.  That was pretty bad when you don't know his last name and certainly not something you want to admit in front of the Dorm Mother.  I scribbled something for a last name and that we were going to the movies. A few pleasantries and we were out the door.

Once we were out the door he told me he had a car or we could just go for a walk since spring was beginning to pop out and the weather was beautiful.  I decided going for a walk might be better because long minutes of silence in a car would be more difficult than silence while walking.  He took my hand and we headed off in the direction of Stephens Lake.  From the moment he held my hand conversation was no longer a problem.  We talked about school, family, growing up and all those things you learn about with someone you have just met.

There were quite a few people at the lake, groups of Stephens girls out together for a Sunday afternoon and a few couples enjoying the day.  Usually there were canoes and row boats that you could use but it was too early in the season for those.  I think he was disappointed there were no boats and said I had on the perfect outfit for a ride in a boat.  I told him he was wrong, in the movies all the girls riding in boats with guys had on long flowing dresses.  His reply was that since I was dressed like the sailor he could ride and I could row. That made him laugh. Then he complimented the outfit and asked if he could always expect the unexpected with me.  I answered probably.

Thankfully he finally asked if I was hungry since he had skipped lunch.  I politely said yes not wanting to admit I was starving since I had pretty well not been able to eat since the arrival of the flowers.  We hiked back to town to one of the nicest restaurants, the kind with white table cloths and a host that seated you.  After ordering I decided it was time to ask two important questions. Perhaps I looked a little serious when I asked him if I could ask him a couple of questions.  He got all serious looking and said that I could always ask him anything. 

Getting prepared for perhaps a serious question he took a big drink of water just as I asked what his last name was.  I told him it was hard to sign out on the card in the dorm since I had to make up a last name. Oops...guess he could not laugh and swallow at the same time. Water sort of flew everywhere.  He asked what name I had used and I said I scribbled Smith or something but you really couldn't read it.  Actually I could have been very clever and written that I was going out with Barney Fife.  Everyone in the place looked at us as he was laughing so loud.  Zick.  Barney Zick.

After he regained his composure he said he was ready for the next question.  I told him the flowers caused a lot of commotion in the entire dorm.  They all wanted to know all about him and were taken back by the fact that we had not talked about going out the night we met.  There was not a question that I could answer except that his name was Barney.  It was suggested that I stand him up.  So why did you just assume I would be available at 3:00 on Sunday?  Hmm.......interesting look.   "I didn't have your phone number and I actually was afraid you would say no if I asked you for a date. I really wasn't sure you would come down the stairs at the dorm."  Wow, boys and girls, men and women must think somewhat the same at times.

After dinner Barney walked me back to the dorm.  When we got there he took both of my hands and asked if he could see me again.   Of course I wanted to see him again.. and again..and again so we made plans for the next day.  He said 3:00 and I said 3:30 plus I had a TV class at 7:00.  As he started to walk away I said "Hey, should I wear anything special?"  He asked "Like what?"   I shouted "How about a ballerina tutu?"  He just walked away shaking his head but I could tell the way his shoulders moved he was laughing again.

There are a lot of dates and names of guys written on my Stephens calendar that I have no memory of at all.  The memory of that first date with Barney has been ingrained in my little mind all the years.  Interesting that there was no kiss on that first date.

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