The first weekend in May at Stephens was called Red Carpet Weekend. They had Parent's Weekend and Boyfriend's Weekend in the fall and this was the last big weekend of events before the final three weeks of school. Where the name Red Carpet came from I never knew but it was fun. The whole weekend was going to be a nice diversion from the thought that my deposit was due on Monday for my room the following year. Naturally I had heard nothing from my parents.
Friday night the music and drama department did an outstanding production of My Fair Lady. Musicals had always been my favorite and it was not difficult to talk Barney into going. I was sitting there enjoying the play when during the song "I've Grown Accustomed To Her Face" Barney handed me a folded up piece of paper. I unfolded it and it was a check from him made out to Stephens in the amount of the room deposit. I must have said "What" rather loudly as several people stared at us. Barney just smiled, told me to be quiet and watch the play. Leave it up to him to hand the check to me during a pretty cool song.
After the play Barney told me that I should check with the Financial Office on Monday and if they had not received the deposit from my parents to give them the check. If my parents did send the money to just tear the check up. When I asked him why he just smiled and said why not? My brilliant response was "Why?" He asked if I wanted to come back the next year? I told him boy friends didn't do things like that and he just replied "This one does". He could render me speechless very easily which was rather hard to do most of the time.
Saturday was an open house in the dorm which meant boyfriends could come in and see more than just the lobby. The night before Cathie had gotten "pinned" by her guy, Marty, so written in lipstick on the mirror was her big announcement. That is the cutest picture I have of dear Cathie in her usual dorm attire. She was so excited that she actually helped clean up the room before Marty and Barney arrived. She did, by the way, put on some clothes.
After the open house there was a picnic at the lake for the whole school and friends. That evening there was a dance with music provided by Woody Herman and His Orchestra. One always had to remember that Stephens not only wanted to educate girls but to teach them to be ladies at the same time. A rock and roll band would not have been on their radar at that time. Dancing the evening away to Woody Herman all dressed up was really more fun than one might have thought especially when it was obvious to everyone that my date was quite the ballroom dancer.
My dear Mother called on Sunday afternoon to announce that they had sent a check in for my room deposit. Nothing like making me sick with worry before she agreed to it. She had actually called my advisor and Mrs. Wells, the dorm mother, to see how I was doing in classes and behaving otherwise. At least she had talked to the right people. Mr Wheeler, my advisor, told her I was an excellent student and only missed one day of classes all year. Mrs. Wells thought I could do no wrong and informed her that she had been pleased to hear I was rooming with Pam the following year. Thankfully Mrs. Wells had not said anything about the nice young man I was dating or that would have been the end of it. It is interesting how you can feel grown up one minute and be reduced to feeling like you are twelve years old the next.
The other big event of the week on the calendar for the eight of us at the end of the hall was Woody's Birthday. Poor shy Woody had put up with her room mate teasing her endlessly all year, had managed to stay true to her BBH as we called the boy back home and actually it never seemed like she was having fun. Who knows who got the idea for the surprise birthday party but it was something Cathie and Woody's room mate, Sally, would have thought of. Barney agreed to host the party at his place.
Barney and I went out and got everything to bake a cake and Cathie and I baked it in the kitchen of the dorm. After dinner in the dining hall where everyone sang to Woody we blindfolded her and Barney put her in the trunk of his car. The rest of us piled into his car and went off to his trailer for the party. I don't know if Woody cried because she was so happy and surprised at the birthday or just thankful to be out of the trunk. Everyone enjoyed cake and ice cream and the several bottles of wine.
Woody and Paula
There were only three weeks of college left. The school events and meetings slowed down while the amount of study time increased.
While everyone else was looking forward to the summer break I was trying not to think about it. I could only hope that the days would pass quickly and everyone would keep in touch over the summer like they said they would.
But a lot can happen in those final three weeks of school.
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